Impact on Jobs and Businesses due to Covid-19

Since the pandemic has hit this planet, over crores of people became unemployed. From laborers to software developers, everyone has suffered a bit, be it in terms of salary hike, promotion, etc. A lot have been pressurized to work at office while a few of them have been denied the job offer pertaining to the losses the organization have faced. Let’s look at few sectors prevailing in a country like India:

  • Consultancy/IT Sector: Looking at the adaptability of their employees in their WORK FROM HOME, they are not supposed to be in a big loss. A lot of offices have been opened too, using certain precautions. So, this sector employees seems to be at least suffering.
  • Production/Assembly lines: Companies depending much on the manufacturing have been more on the verge of suffering. Of course, they can’t give their employees work from home policy, so a lot of their offices have been closed for a long time. Good news is: they have started with their work and the vacancies are out too.
  • Colleges/School/Coaching staff: Everyone knows the fact about the scenario of academic institution. Though the staff were not fired but the businesses like stationaries, booksellers, etc. have really suffered from a big loss. Moreover, the teachers have done a great job of coping with online classes.
  • Online businesses: Businesses like Netflix have enjoyed the most part of it. They have been the most successful amid this pandemic situation owing to their subscribers who didn’t shy away from gluing to their screens.
  • Artist: A lot of artist like storytellers, singers, dancers, etc. might be missing the stage. Though, they found their alternatives in the form of online events but it wasn’t a much help for them. They will be surely waiting to be back on stage.
  • Digital Marketing: People in this field might have enjoyed a bit. Its certain that amidst this pandemic, a lot of people have come across with their YouTube channels, Instagram blogging, etc. and for getting the best reach, a lot of them needed marketing.
  • Laborer: Certainly the biggest sufferers. From small confectionary shop to giants like Ford have been closed for a while and bearing to their losses, the bosses have chipped off lot of their laborers. They are the ones dependent on their daily wages with not much savings. So these are the ones who needed most of the help. Hopefully, situation for them gets better.


What we can do?

  1. Stop panicking and try find some ways to mend the situation.
  2. Help the ones who are really in need of it.
  3. Think of starting some small business if you have some ideas.
  4. Increase your connections over platforms like Linkedin.
  5. Wait for this situation to get over. As they say, this shall too pass.


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